This Tribe is for you if…
You are looking for an environment which is stronger than willpower.
You are looking for a community of people whom you have never met before, yet who eagerly supports your dreams.
You are looking for a nurturing culture when your vision becomes dim…
You are tired of all the toxicity around you…and you don’t need to look far to find it. It's on the news. It's in entertainment. Sometimes, it's in the words we hear from friends and family.
You are looking for an environment of Yay-Sayers.
You are looking for support, growth and accountability.
Here you enter an environment with doubts, fears and anxiety, but walk away with hope, encouragement and belief…
…you leave feeling elevated and for a while you can envision POSSIBILITIES.
This tribe is a lot of things.
But what this tribe is not, is…
An environment of counselling.
An environment of nay-sayers.
An environment of back stabbers.
An environment of poker faces and dream-slayers…
…and in case you were having second thoughts, I have some truth serum for you to consider.
If we are the average of the five people, we spend most of our time with, then where do you rate yourself on the average scale? Thought so.
So, if not now, when? And if not you, who?
Know this. You will get vision. You will feel at home. You will grow.
The Tribe is calling!
What are you waiting for?
Join The Events Tribe now &
get one month free membership!
Elouise Cloete
Powered by Shift Ideas LLC
26 Westway Road
Douglasdale, Sandton
South Africa
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