
What does Growth mean to You?

I think a lot of people have the wrong idea of growth…

Perhaps that sounds wrong of me to say… but in all honesty, growth is a process, and one not many understand. I know that I, for a long time, had the wrong idea about what can take place during stages of the growth process. 

Can I just share something about growth that perhaps we all need to be reminded of…

Growth is a process…

One idea I’ve learned and am passionate about is this: the truth is not always in the appearance of things.

Think of a plant that hasn’t spurred from the soil just yet. There’s still growth taking place under the ground, it just hasn’t exactly broken through the dirt yet. And remember, right before it breaks through, it is met with resistance.

Look at The Chinese Bamboo for instance…It takes 4 years to germinate and in the 5th year it breaks through the soil. Once broken through it includes some of the fastest-growing plants in the world. Certain species can grow 910 mm (36 in) within a 24-hour period, at a rate of almost 40 mm (11⁄2 in) an hour (equivalent to 1 mm every 90 seconds). So it takes 5 years to germinate and grow on the inside BEFORE exponential growth can be seen on the outside! Astonishing!

So, just because you aren’t gaining instant results doesn’t mean you aren’t growing inside.

I’d like to challenge you…
In what way could you keep ‘watering’ your growth on the inside so it could bring you the astonishing external results you are looking for?

What would that mean to you?

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