This quiz will help you:
Find out WHAT’s currently crippling your profitability, wasting YOUR time and effort AND help you understand HOW to build a Bullet Proof business, ensuring you Go Above and Beyond your last event!
What You Get…
Gain insight on what is holding you back
Get clarity on your values
Implement simple strategies right away
Learn to ask the right questions when overcome by the ‘I’m not-good-enough-monster’
How to take action when analysis-paralysis rears its ugly head
How to lock eyes with your inner genius
How to own the elephant in the room
This is for you if…
You wear multiple hats of wife, mom, business owner, employee-juggler, go-to event extraordinaire for your clients 24/7 and you are running out of hats to wear and can’t keep up in the race of a rapid changing world…
You reinvent yourself and your business in more ways than you can count…
You are the glue holding everything together, but you are stretched and the glue is no longer keeping things together…
You want to scale for impact in your life and business but keep hitting the same glass ceiling over-and-over again and you don’t know why…
What other people say...
Micelle Chung
Business Owner and Entrepreneur – Spain
Hey there!
I’m Elouise and I’m a recovering Perfectionist - This is the Kryptonite that was killing my Events business...
I’m a self-education mastermind, detail driven, stubborn-as-heck achiever and individualist, animal activist, frequent flyer in the life B.C. (before Corona) and a mac-and-cheese eating mama.
See…I am not just ONE thing, and I can bet neither are you nor is your kryptonite.
I created this quiz, because I realised that nothing in my life and my business was going to change if I didn’t address what was staring at me in the mirror. I kept hitting the same glass ceiling and felt trapped with the monster that I have created. By working through my own kryptonite, I discovered that once I made these simple, yet powerful changes in how I thought and behaved, everything began to flow.
In case you were wondering and if you are saying: “I’ll get to this later” or “right now I’m too busy trying to build an empire”, then this exactly what you need to do now…
You see, the When-Then monster is the biggest destroyer of your dreams and your aspirations…whatever this may be.
My question to you is simple…
…If not now, when?
…If not you, who?
How about we get started as soon as possible?
Take the 2-minute Kryptonite Quiz TODAY and start creating a Bullet-proof Events business.

Elouise Cloete
Powered by Shift Ideas LLC
26 Westway Road
Douglasdale, Sandton
South Africa
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