If you’re anything like me...
you are drawn to a meaningful career, with substance and significance
You are running the hamster wheel 24/7, chasing your own tail. Running from pillar to post without creating the desirable results you want and unintentionally you begin to doubt yourself and you ask yourself “What am I doing wrong? What am I missing? What are my competitors doing differently that I am just not getting?
You notice the constant and invisible resistance within you, and you don’t know why.
You are too scared to even look around, because it means you get sucked in by all the noise with so many solutions, self-study programs, plethora of systems and recommendations from so-called industry thought leaders and it’s leaving you gasping for air, instead of helping you to get the break through you desperately need, all you end up with is more confusion, overwhelm and you feel stuck, lost, unsupported with no team to turn to.
You become the Lone Ranger by default and not by choice.
Not knowing who or what to turn to and instead of a healthy bank balance…
You see an empty bag with a hole in the bottom, leaking clarity, time, money and productivity.
You see broken goals and dreams.
You feel frustration and desperation whelming up.
You know you must do something fast because not only is the hole getting bigger and bigger, running from one pay-check to another is simply not the life you envisioned when you started the lonely journey of entrepreneurship, which is taking its toll on your confidence and how you perceive your own value.
You can’t help but to wish the only ingredients to a successful business is made up of high work ethics, standards, hopes and aspirations…
…because then you would have nailed it and you would be a millionaire by now and flying high. Instead, you are not moving along. In fact, it is the total opposite.
I know how this feels. Been there. Done it. Bought the t-shirt.
I was buying into empty promises I would get excited about.
I invested in courses, software programs and promises which I thought would transform my business miraculously and would pour my heart and soul into effort which transpired in extraordinary little to no results.
Sure, it kept me being busy, but busy is not necessarily productive. All this “busy-ness” did, was destroying my soul, my passion and my drive. All the signs pointed out the illusion of success in business was reserved for the select few, for the elite and clearly not meant for me. I felt robbed. Robbed from my goals and aspirations. Robbed with emptiness and the feeling of mediocrity along with a bank balance which pointed out I was heading in one direction…
…I was lacking one of the most important things to business and in life.
Clarity in my purpose. Clarity in vision. Clarity in focus. Clarity in my personal and business goals. Clarity in my business offering, why it mattered, and how it could help. “Clarity-lacking”, if there is such a word, was lacking all around. What I discovered is clarity cannot be brought from the outside in. Clarity cannot be bought with any software solutions, courses or programs. Clarity can only come from within and with the right guidance, framework, processes and methods.
After I uncovered one of the biggest stumbling blocks in my business, I realised my inherent perfectionism, my number one business kryptonite, all along was being fuelled by the lack of my clarity. With the lack of clarity, comes the lack of direction. When I discovered this, I began to attract other women who were also struggling with these same challenges.
The lack in clarity with their business vision and proposition, just moved them further and further away from why they started their business in the first place. They simply just were not aware of it. They too were stuck inside their own frames and couldn’t see their own pictures. All they were aware of was frustration with the monster they have created and their inability to compellingly identify and express their value in a way which will elicit a yes from their potential clients. They were left with the nagging voice of the “I’m not good enough-monster” as the dominant voice in their heads.
Simply put, they didn’t know how to communicate their genius in a persuasive way.
Now my life is dedicated to bringing this discovery to the Multi-Hat “EventPreneur” and change their lives for liberation.
With the right guidance and framework, all these challenges can easily be addressed, which is what I will share with you in my training.

This is where the rubber hits the road and where you will discover the history of your future.
And the best of all is you don’t have to spend years figuring this all out, because I can help navigate you around these potholes, so you can know what works and what doesn’t…
…I have created a step-by-step training program with a formula for struggling entrepreneurs and business owners within the events space to find crystal clarity on their proposition which will position them in the best possible way, reflecting their uniqueness to the market.
This is training where clarity breeds knowledge, ends struggle and attracts the right clients and leaves you with a robust business taking you beyond your last event.

Elouise Cloete
Powered by Shift Ideas LLC
26 Westway Road
Douglasdale, Sandton
South Africa
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